How do you proceed?
13 euros/sample (less than or = 10 pcs.)
12 euros/sample (more than 10 pcs.)
Package of 30 samples: 300 euros/package
(Unlimited validity, please submit a minimum of 3 samples each time.)
Always with certificate (standard via email)
Use sealable plastic bags to collect feathers/samples. Maintain hygiene by washing hands preferably between collecting feathers from two different birds.
Take at least six breast feathers and 1 tail feather for larger birds (size of a pigeon) or about three breast feathers and 1 tail or wing feather for smaller birds (size of a canary), and place the feathers in the sealable bag.
Write the species and identification (ring number) on the sample.
Place all samples along with the completed form in an envelope and send it to the following address: Prins Albertlaan 112, 8870 Izegem, Belgium attn: Medibird.